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1916 Yearbook

1916 Yearbook


1916 Yearbook


St. Thomas Literary Society
THE YEAR 1915-16 has been a most successful one for the St.
Thomas Society. Both in point of membership and of work
accomplished it has far surpassed the record of any previous
year. Various causes have contributed to bring about this result.
With the opening of the new year many changes took place.
The most important innovation was the adoption of an amendment to the constitution wherein it was provided that all students in the Literature and Higher Rhetoric classes were eligible for membership in the society, and
the enthusiasm with which the new members have performed their share of the
work has been an important factor in this year's success.
The purpose of the society is to give the members ease and confidence in
public speaking; to instruct them in the procedure and manner of conducting
a public assembly, and to encourage and foster short story writing. The business of the society is conducted according to the usage of parliamentary law.
Each program consists of declamations, dialogues, essays, select readings and short
stories. A debate is held every two weeks. After the completion of the program, a member appointed by the president criticises the different numbers.
For the past several years the College medal for Elocution has been taken
by members of this society. It also furnishes a large part of the material for
dramatic productions.
It is to the censor, Rev. T. C. Donahue, that we attribute most of the credit
for the society's success this year. Assisted by capable officers and a painstaking program committee, he has labored unceasingly to make every meeting better
than the preceding one, and, due to his advice and able direction, the society has
made substantial progress.
Men judge character, to a large extent, by outward appearances; in just the
same way do they form their opinions of mental ability. No matter how much
a man may really know, if he cannot appear before men and express his ideas
clearly, distinctly and forcibly he will not be a success. It is by what he says
and how he says it that he is judged. Here is where the practicalness of a literary society, such as the St. Thomas society, is clearly illustrated. When in future
years present members are astounding the world by their eloquence, whether it
be in the pulpit, before the bench, or in lecture halls, may they think with gratitude of the principles learned and training received while they were members of
the St. Thomas Society.




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
