Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1918 Yearbook

1918 Yearbook


1918 Yearbook


Rev. C. H. M.: "Give me a sentence with the word 'notwithstanding' it in."
V. O'N.: "My brother wore out his pants but notwithstanding."
Bruhn: "I feel it in my bones that we are going to get a free day."
Morrison: "Which bone?"
Bruhn: "Wish bone, I guess."
Fitzpatrick: "Why did Robinson Crusoe name his man Friday?"
Wagner: "He didn't want to put it off till Saturday."
Frank Griffith tells a new story every year, no more—no less. How do
you like this one for 1918?
It happened among a colored congregation in a Tennessee church that
the young people wanted to make the church more up-to-date, but the
older members were satisfied with the appearance just as it was. Several
times question of buying chandeliers came up but it was always voted down.
One night the old people were in the minority and the younger part carried the vote. One of the members, who had never declared which side he
favored, arose and said, "Brothahs, you have voted to get chandeliers, and
you have chosen two men to go to Memphis and buy them, but tell me
befoe you all get them, who all is going to play the things when they do
come ?"
Al.: "What is the future of the verb T drink' ?
Frank: "The future will be 'You're drunk.' "
Ed.: "Do you believe in forest protection ?"
Bob.: "You bet; why if I ever go 'over there' and see the enemy coming, the woods is the first place I will make for."
Our janitor, we pity him
As all good people must;
For every morn the poor old man
Returns again to dust.
(But does he?)
Boody's Soliliquy: "This state is so dry that they are going to take
the port out of Davenport."
Code: "I have some jokes lor the Ambrosian. What will you give me
for them?"
Ye Ed.: "Ten yards start."
Last night we heard Bill Hughes remark that those college spreads are
just one canned thing after another.
She (at the K. of C. dance): "Are you playing football?"
Tony W.: "Not now."


Wagner's Printery




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
