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State Library of Iowa

1918 Yearbook

1918 Yearbook


1918 Yearbook


Judge, Messrs.—Monroe county judges; both broke blood vessels ex-
pounding the law of the ascension of smoke to the unbelievers.
Overburg, Heinie—Shocked to death by Neiters and Code.
Cone, E. A.—Choked to death trying to pronounce two big words at
Wheelan, Frank—Evaporated; requiescat in pace.
Code, Jos.—Died, May 20, 1918, from concussion of the piano.
Meters, Louis—Died from the giggles. What is home without a
mother ?
Supan, Peter Von—Assassinated by another claimant to the Austrian
Barnes, Louis—Croaked from acute dizziness. Last words, "Boys,
keep away from the pills."
Titterington, J.—Killed, June, 1919, during the national movement for
the extermination of pests.
Rohret, Prof. Rudolph—Struck a note so high that he couldn't get
down and starved to death.
Carpentier, E. Ignatius—Returned home in 1924 as missionary to E.
Moline and was eaten by the cannibal natives.
Malloy, Leo Rotundus—Killed in an explosion.
Fr. H. G. T. (in French class) : "What does 'a la mode' mean?'
Ray K.: "Ice cream on pie."
Rev. T. C. D.: "Was Voltaire an atheist?"
Dewy: "Well, er-r-r, either that or a Frenchman.'
Rev. J. J. S. (At the opening of the first class after Christmas vacation) : "This morning we will continue the persecution, er-r-r that is to
say, I mean, we will study the persecution of the Christians under Nero."
Exam question: How is parthenogenesis induced?
The answer: By putting it into an incubator and exciting it.
When at college, do as the collegians do.
Don't waste a dollar's worth of time saving a penny.
A good man wants to make others good.
Some men can rise only on an elevator.
And some have a hard time even when they get that much of a lift.
If thou wouldst learn, keep one ear and both eyes open.
Many a youth slips through college on his polished manners.
But a polished dome will serve thee much better.
Do not back slide till you get to the top and then slide down the other
Some exam papers are so confused that they look like scrambled eggs-
Be not so wise as to arouse suspicion.


Wagner's Printery




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
