Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1920 yearbook

1920 yearbook


1920 yearbook


J. Morrow: "Does Darrell Doyle like dates?"
Ed. Woeber: "Not the eatable kind, but—"
W. Collins: "Do you know that it is more blessed
to give than to receive?"
L. Suhl: "Yes, many a man's past has been forgiven because of his presents."
After Interview with M. D.
Verkler: "Gosh, he hit me a hard crack on the head."
Nelson: "Any bones broken?"
Verkler: "No, but my brains quivered."
L. Kelly went into a store to buy a pair of shoe laces.
"Was there something?" inquired the lady clerk.
"Have you shoe strings?" asked Lyle.
"Oh, say! I do need a pair for my walking shoes," responded the lady. "I'll look
at some."
At the Barbers
Farrell: "Did you know that there are two kinds of baa-baas?"
Fitz: "There are?"
Farrell: "Yes. One's a sheep and then, there's you."
He Doesn't
Steckel: "What do you do all day?"
T. Murphy: "Oh, nothing."
Steckel: "Then how do you know when you're through?"
His View
Dorgan: "Don't you think Spanish would help you?"
"Red" Britt: "I can't see that I need it, none of my lady friends are Spaniards."
Why, Gilbert!
West: "Say, Fat, why did you get up and come out of the Columbia so early today?"
Watters: "Do you think I'm crazy? It said that two years would elapse between
the first and second acts."


