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State Library of Iowa

1917 Yearbook

1917 Yearbook


1917 Yearbook


Baseball 1916
THE basketeers were still boasting about their victories on the
gym floor, and remnants of winter's snow storms were
still to be seen in patches on the campus when Mr. Jones
made the annual recruiting for baseball candidates. The
number of enlistments was large, and soon the lovers of the
national pastime were in their glory. But few veterans remained, and of these Wehr and Shields did not don their uniforms. But the
other recruits were by no means inexperienced rookies. Development and
improvement were rapid, and in short order Coach Jones had a bunch of
players that cavorted around the bags and handled the bat like leaguers.
Winning games became a second nature to the speedy nine, and by the end
of the year, they had hung up the record of winning eleven and losing but
four games, for a percentage of .733. Two of the defeats were administered
by the Dubuque team, the Ambrosians playing both games in a style far
below their standard. The defeat by Trinity came in the last inning, when
The Saints, feeling secure with their five-point lead, threw away the game.
When they came back into the combat, the Trinity nine had claimed a 7 to
5 victory. The contests with Williams and Vashti, Emporia, Moline Independents, and Wartburg, were played in a real big league style and were
merited triumphs for St. Ambrose.
The team was led by Billy Sheehan, the right man in the right place.
His ability in the field and at the bat, coupled with his inside knowledge of
the game, made him an ideal captain. McLain, Coonan, and O'Connor
rounded out an infielding quartet of speed merchants, who, by their continuous talk kept the life on the diamonds and encouraged the pitcher on
the mound. Larry Woods, Joe Troy, and Jack McDonald formed the staff
of hurlers, who worked slow-balls, spitters, and twisters at their will. Ed
Ryan and Harry Cashman handled the offerings of these hurlers in class A
form and nipped with ease all who dared to steal a bag. The outfield composed of Smith, Gross, Rogers, and Troy, grabbed anything that looked like
a flyball, and made an ordinary home run of an opponent, worth about two
bases. This team of 1916 is looked upon as the first step in a gradual ad-


