Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

052_1967 Yearbook

052_1967 Yearbook


052_1967 Yearbook


In its fourth year of broadcasting, KSAR has continued
to play a major part in campus life. One reason seems
to be that this is "our" radio station; music and announcements are geared to the interests of the St.
Ambrose College student. The success of the organization is evidenced by its growing broadcast range. KSAR
has initiated plans to broadcast to Marycrest, and it
has provided appropriate music during the lunch hour
in the Union. The station acquires funds through advertising and by scheduling one social event during the
KSAR Board Members: John Sullivan and Mike Breipohl in front. Behind them
stand Mark Ohlendorf and Jim Maher.
FIRST ROW: John Sullivan, Les Elias, Mike Breipohl, Mike Ruffus,
Jim McCarte, Bill Clair, Jack Maggio. SECOND ROW: David
Coopman, Mark Ohlendorf, Steve Navolio, Jim Maher, Steve Akers,
Joe Beatty, Mike Friedel, Dennis Herdina, John Ludtke, Jim Murry,
John Sullivan.
