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State Library of Iowa

1965 Yearbook

1965 Yearbook


1965 Yearbook


Convocation Greets Frosh & Parents
Sunday 20 September
Student Council and NFCCS welcomed new students and parents to
the campus. East Hall was the focal
point of arrival activities: room assignments, schedules for the day,
and the traditional beanie. Campus
tours originated from the west entrance.
Noon Mass was celebrated in
Christ the King Chapel and a buffet
luncheon was served in the Gym.
At 1:30 p.m. the Rt. Rev. Msgr.
Menke directed a parent-student
convocation. Talks were given by
the Rev. F. J. McMahan on academics and Rev. R. G. Schmitz on
discipline. Mr. Richard Aubry, Sr.,
co-chairman of the Parents' Council
explained their program.
Mrs. Tillie Sobek acted as hostess
for the afternoon reception.
The day ended with a picnic supper on the Beehive Patio and a mixer
for freshmen only from St. Ambrose
and Marycrest.
Each September the College honors the Freshmen and their families at a reception. Miss
Mary Stolmeier, Secretary to the President, serves punch to the guests.
Monday 21 September
ID photos were taken. Rev. C. P.
Madsen, chaplain, and Arthur
Moore, Student Council president,
explained religious activities and social functions. Registrations were
finalized and Rev. R. G. Schmitz
met with new boarding students.
Cresters joined Ambrosians for a
picnic supper and a hootennany.
Tuesday 22 September
Student clubs and organizations
were explained. Chorus auditions
were followed by a description of intramurals by Mr. Kilfoy.
Wednesday 23 September
Classes at eight!
Thursday 24 September
Rt. Rev. Msgr. S. G. Menke offered the Mass of the Holy Spirit to
officially open the school year. His
sermon was on the gospel according
to St. John, "You shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you
free." He urged a basic conviction—
the Holy Spirit is truth and suggested that each student should
have the prayer, "Come, Holy Spirit
and enkindle within me the spirit of
Your divine love," over his desk.
Friday 25 September
Last day to change schedule.
Tuesday 29 September
Last fall registrations. Young Re-
Despite careful spring and summer registration problems arise. Faculty and students gather
in the library September 21, 22, to make necessary adjustments.


Smith Crafted Cover


