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State Library of Iowa

1913 Yearbook

1913 Yearbook


1913 Yearbook


The Laying of the Cornerstone.
THE CORNERSTONE of the New Diocesan St. Ambrose College was laid Sunday
at 3 o'clock p. m. Notwithstanding the dark clouds arising at the time, with
sure indications of rain, a very large concourse of people was present. It
was the first time that many of them had the opportunity of gazing upon
the college grounds and every one present was delighted with the location. It is without
doubt one of the most commodious and beautiful sites for educational purposes in the
West. It is situated in the northwestern part of the city on Locust street. The building will face Locust street 175 feet and be 80 deep. The grounds extend from Scott
to Western avenue. The dimensions of the present building are 54 feet front, 75 feet
deep. The first story is of sandstone and the rest of brick with pilasters of sandstone. The building is to be four stories high. A tower will surmount the whole, in
which, in the course of time, a clock will be placed. The grounds will be laid out in
the most suitable manner. The building is to be ready for occupancy by the 1st of
September. The contracts for the building have been let to the following persons:
Excavation, J. Cunningham, Davenport; rock work, C. Larkin, Rock Island; brick
work, T. Clark, Davenport; carpenter work, Victor Huot. Mr. Huot is also the
The ceremonies were conducted by Rt. Rev. H. Cosgrove, D. D., Bishop of the
Diocese, assisted by Very Rev. A. Trevis, Vicar General; Rev. A. Schulte, President of
St. Ambrose; Rev. J. P. Ryan of St. Marguerite's; Rev. D. J. Flannery of St. Anthony's;
Rev. M. Flavin of St. Mary's; Rev. A. Niermann of St. Joseph's, and Rev. T. Mackin
of Rock Island.
The Bishops and Priests marched in procession about the foundation walls, on
which holy water was sprinkled, Psalms being recited the while. At the cornerstone
there was a halt, and the Bishop sprinkled holy water upon it, and blessed it, and,
while doing so, several psalms and prayers prescrbed by the church were recited.
was then put in place and cemented. It is a fine block of the celebrated Anamosa
stone. The dedication inscription is in Latin, and translated is as follows:
This seminary is dedicated to Almighty God and the Blessed Virgin Mary under
the protection of St. Ambrose.
The ceremony of blessing and laying the cornerstone was performed by Henry,
Bishop of Davenport, 5th of July, A. D. 1885.




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
