Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1915 Yearbook

1915 Yearbook


1915 Yearbook


Designed primarily, however, for demonstration work, a great many of its features, while making the instrument pedagogically correct, rendered it rather inconvenient and clumsy for practical operation. Besides, it left much to be desired in
point of loudness and clearness of the signals received.
So the new set of instruments, illustrated above, were sent.for. These are
of the latest and best design obtainable and have demonstrated their special
adaptability for the receiving of Government time signals, and other long distance work, by the great number of large stations they have enabled the operators to hear. Their efficiency has been materially increased by the addition of a
new set of antennae of six wires, 150 feet long, fastened to the cupola at the western end and held in place at the eastern side by a specially constructed steel tower,
which, together with its flagstaff, rises 95 feet above the ground. Since this
arrangement has been completed, the station has become almost ideal. Messages
have been received from Springfield, 111.; Chicago; Sayville, L. I.; Arlington, Va.;
Fort Worth, Texas; Annapolis, Md., and even from far away Key West, Florida,
whence the Government time signals have freqently been heard in almost perfect
unison with those sent out simultaneously from Arlington, Va.
For this success the College is indebted in no small measure to the cheerful
industry and helpfulness of a number of the students, to whom the Annual desires
to express the sincere appreciation and thanks of their Alma Mater.




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
