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State Library of Iowa

1916 Yearbook

1916 Yearbook


1916 Yearbook


polished up; the inevitable gold brick or two were resourcefully made to occupy
cozy chimney works, while the real native diamonds in the rough were burnished
into flashing brilliants.
James Welch, who starred as Nathaniel Duncan, the fortune hunter, was
seen in what was announced "positively his last appearance in America." Combining rare native genius for the dramatic with magnificent sang froid, and a
large capacity for downright hard work, with a ready and inventive wit, which
made him the master of every situation, this able performer of the hero's part
won a tribute of ungrudging applause for his merit in the leading role of the best
play ever seen at the College.
"Betty" Wolfe, as the leadying lady, appeared so distinctly feminine in makeup, gesture and bearing that many of his old cronies, who knew only "Tom"
of the ball field, were, so to speak, completely "bowled over and flabbergasted";
while the final home-coming of the rejuvenated Betty, in chique attire, classic
poise and academic manners, reminded the boys eloquently of their own college-
bred "cousins."
Merle Skelly, as the arrogant, shallow-pated, self-adored goddess, Josie Lock-
wood, suggested the dominating figure at a bargain counter rush; and Ernest
Zimmerman, the airy, shrinking wisp of a fairy lass, who haunted the heart of
one Tracy Tanner, called up enchanting visions of rustic benches under star-lit
nights; while Frank Sybert, actually "held the mirror up to nature," playing the
bashful tortured wooer with a realism that convinced "fussing" experts that
Frank had practiced the part on the stage of actual life.
Edward O'Connor had a knowledge of physics and chemistry that made him
look lifelike and real in the role of Inventor and Druggist; while his sane and
sober outlook on life, allied with his sweet reasonableness of disposition, made
him an ideal father for the impulsive and beautiful "Betty."
Chauncy Ruhl just looked natural; the distressing ennui, of the blase millionaire, the counting of those dividends and interests is a constant bore to him, was
perfectly registered on the mobile fatures of Chauncy; R. Lee and M. Healey, as
the village "characters," were specially imported from Blue Grass and Ardon,
respectively, where each dominated the elite circle that gathers at night about
the stove in the general store, and where each was the social lion in the company
of choice intellects that smoke their cobs and spit with skill and dignity into the
time-honored box of sawdust.
Harry Shields' business capacity made him a good financier and he took the
part of Henry Kellog with the same nerve and energy that characterize the
"Jew's" prosecution of any work he undertakes.
In short, from Joe Schmidt's sonorous basso to Charles "Skinney" McDonald's
high and stident "C," not a false note was struck in the entire symphony of well-
attuned parts and players; the audience was thoroughly entertained, the applause
and comment, even of the many who had to stand throughout the evening, expressing the general opinion that the College had scored its greatest dramatic success.
And for this result the institution feels itself deeply indebted to the competent
direction of an impresario who lives up to the best traditions of the great Oscar




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
