Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1914 Yearbook

1914 Yearbook


1914 Yearbook


Born March 20th, 1892.
Died November 17th, 1913.
He has gladdened our hearts in life and saddened them in death.
This is the time when the warmest love and the deepest grief unite
in an overwhelming wave of sorrow. Despite our sadness we love to
recall the life of him who has been such a favorite, so full of goodness, so perfect in manly physique, so courageous, and so true. He
was a faithful comrade, the most popular man of his Class, and easily
the idol of the Student-body. It causes our hearts to become sad again
when we think and feel that he has been taken from us.
Again the beauty of Spring is around us; the singing of the birds
and the opening of the blossoms make our hearts feel glad, only to
turn to gloom again when we think of him, whom we love so much.
But why this sadness ? Let us remember that he has been called from
a life of empty and transitory pleasures to an abode of permanent
peace and happiness.
"Gone, but still remembered, this brave, true friend of ours,
He sleeps beneath the silent earth, plucked with the other flowers;
For Death's cruel hand has cut it off, this pure young flower in bloom,
And taken it to other lands, and left behind the gloom."
"May he rest in peace!"
L. J. B. MURPHY, 15.
WHEREAS, In His inscrutable wisdom, Our Heavenly Father has
seen fit to call to its eternal rest the soul of our Class-mate and Class-
president, Edward Morrissey; and
WHEREAS, By his noble personality, kindly deeds, and his continued interest in the welfare of his Class, he has endeared himself
to all, who knew him, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That as a tribute of our respect for him, as evidence
of our appreciation of his worth, and in testimony of the sorrow which
his demise has caused us, we make this public recognition of his exam-
plary character.
May his soul rest in the peace of God.


