Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1917 Yearbook

1917 Yearbook


1917 Yearbook


It is indeed repugnant to my modest
and retiring nature that any work of
mine should be placed before the public. I deny that I had any purpose in writing
whatever may appear in the following pages, and
should anyone accuse me of trying to be humorous, (and there are such critics in this age of
literary degeneracy), let him not brand me as one
who tried to convert pathos into levity. These
writings are merely records of little aches and
sorrows that have crept into my daily life but the
Editor-in-chief will not have it so, he calls them
humorous, vilely misrepresenting me. If you
must read the following, and I sincerely hope
you will refrain from doing so, you will understand why I have written this in self defense.


