Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1971 Yearbook

1971 Yearbook


1971 Yearbook


Old traditions never die, they just bore people to
death. This truism was unfortunately applicable to the
St. Ambrose Homecoming ever since football was
dropped. Touch football couldn't fill the excitment bill,
and Rugby was ill-received by the average win-loving
Ambrosian. 1970 proved to be a different and
imaginative year at Ambrose. Homecoming was
moved to the Loras-Ambrose basketball weekend, and
to fill the gap a delayed Homecoming would cause in
the social calender the S.G.A. came up with Fall Fest
—two fun filled days in the Fall, with dancing, music
and Ripple.
Plans for Fall Fest began in the early summer. S.G.A.
President Bill O'Connor spent many man hours telephoning every agent west of the Wabash, while Social
Chairman Joe Cofield spent his time talking to the Eastern Agents. Many groups were debated upon; the
Cowsills, Melanie, Cyril and the Fissure of Rolando,
and the Association, the group that was finally decided
