Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1970 Yearbook

1970 Yearbook


1970 Yearbook


LEFT: FIRST ROW; Dennis Cornelia, Michael Tomeczko, Robert Porter, Leo Wahl, William Ehlers and Scott Doup.SECOND ROW; Mike Marion Don
Barnard, Richard Drapeau, Michael Wieck, Karl Williams and Tom Harvey.
Chi Sigma Alpha—Business Fraternity
LEFT: Officers of Chi Sigma Alpha Chapter. FRONT ROW: Gil Cervelli, Executive Vice-pres., Kevin McEneely, President, Rod Saelens, Treasurer. BACK
ROW: Jack Maggio, Secretary, Tom Olmsted, Historian, Greg Cofield, Chancellor and Barry Wilken, Vice-president.The Fraternity will receive a charter
from the national organization, Delta Sigma Pi, this Spring.
ABOVE: FIRST ROW; Tom Bishel, Jerry Buttimer, Jerry Reiland, Ben Menke
and Dick Brice.SECOND ROW; David Heaberlin, Jim Barry, Richard Norman
Don Wilske, Neal Griffith and Fred Hanson.
