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State Library of Iowa

1965 Yearbook

1965 Yearbook


1965 Yearbook


"KISS ME, KATE" Combines Jest With Sophistication
The annual spring attraction of
the Fine Arts Department came to
the Quint-Cities in "Kiss Me Kate,"
the 1965 musical. Written by Cole
Porter, the show describes the Baltimore opening of a revival of Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew." The
show combines Elizabethan jests and
twentieth-century sophistication.
Auditions for roles were held in
February with two familiar faces of
the campus stage capturing the lead
roles. Miss Susan Ryan, Marycrest
senior from Davenport, took her
second consecutive lead role as
Katherine. James Thomas, Ambrose
senior from Park Forest, Illinois,
copped the male lead. This was also
Mr. Thomas' second consecutive major role in the annual production.
As the show opens, the cast of the
revival is assembled on stage for the
final instructions before the opening
of "Taming of the Shrew."
Fred Graham (James Thomas),
producer-director of the show, Lilli
(Miss Ryan), his former wife, and
Lois Lane (Miss Jacqueline Mazur),
a singer in whom Fred is interested,
are all on stage as is Bill Calhoun
(David Huffman), an irresponsible
actor of the troupe and Lois' primary
interest. Bill has just signed a ten-
thousand dollar I.O.U. with Fred's
name and Lois proceeds to beg him
to reform. Meanwhile, Fred and Lilli
are busy patching up their differen-
ces as they reminisce about other
shows in which they have appeared.
When a bouquet sent by Fred is
given to Lilli instead of Lois, for
whom it was really intended, the
patching seems to be about over.
"Taming of the Shrew" opens with
these four playing the leads. Lilli,
however, discovers that the bouquet
was not really intended for her and
threatens to leave the show. She is
prevented from doing so by two
gangsters who show up to collect the
I.O.U. from Fred.
Second act finds Petruchio (Fred)
yearning for the single life. Meanwhile, Bill finds Lois flirting off-stage
and reproaches her for it. He meets
with a charming expression of affection. The gangsters are forced to tear
up the now worthless I.O.U. since
Fred did not sign it. Lilli prepares
Petruchio enjoys the fruits of his labors after he has tamed the shrew. Petruchio played by James Thomas, and Kate, Susie Ryan, are both veteran college performers closing out their careers in these challenging roles. The suitors, shunned by Bianca, find that there are others who take more kindly to their wooings.


Smith Crafted Cover


