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1965 Yearbook

1965 Yearbook


1965 Yearbook


MANNING CLUB Promotes Campus Activities
Front Row: Robert F. Cavanaugh, Steve Panther, Don McClimon, Mike Metz, John Wright, David Salois, Steve Drish, Michael Spieker-
meir, Jim Parizek, Bob Scanlan, John Schumacher, Jack Wombacher, Joe Meyer, Paul Menke, Thomas J. Keefe, Robert Balog, Ronald
Milder, Patrick Foley, James Leu, William Kaska, Tom Gehlsen, John Whalen, Steve Ebel, Gerald Stouvenel, Mike Phillips, Michael
Wadle, Bernard L. Legner, Joe Mougin, Dave Louis, James Yeast, Micael Schaab, James Iosbaker, Richard Snowden, Joseph Pacha,
Melvin Lahr, John Pomberg, Wally Helms, Thomas Cusack, Robert McAleer, Thomas Ketelaar, Ronald Enderlin, John Kuchinski, Joseph Noll.
Monsignor Wahl of Rockford Lectures,
Annual Xmas Party, Spring Picnic
The Manning Club, a sort of "Student Council" of the Seminary Department, welcomed new seminarians into the ranks at the annual
"New Man's Party" in late September. In early October a program of
four full-length movies began. Later
that month the seminarians traveled
to Little York, Illinois for a rural
life day. Following this, preparations
were made to decorate the campus
for Homecoming. This was climaxed
by seeing the "Big A," constructed
by the Seminarians, dominate the
weekend Homecoming festivities. In
November the club's lecture series
began with the appearance of Mr.
John T. Fox who spoke on "Counseling and the Priesthood." On the eve
of Christmas vacation, the seminarians feted the faculty and alumni at
the annual Christmas Party in the
College Center. The "churchies"
were pleased to note that four of
the newly-ordained turned out for
the event. January brought another
movie — and exams. In February, a
student panel discussed the seminary
set-up at SAC as compared with
other seminaries. In mid-March,
Msgr. Wahl, Chancellor of the Rockford Diocese, closed the '64-'65 lecture series. Later that month all the
good Irish were joined by the rest
of the department (a minority) to
celebrate St. Patty's Day. With the
coming of May, thoughts turned to
term papers, final exams, and for
some, graduation. Amidst all this
activity, the Seminarians invaded
Black Hawk Park in Rock Island for
their annual picnic which was highlighted by an inner-class baseball
tourney. The day was topped by
having the night free for a movie,
bowling, etc. 1964-65 was a year
truly worthy of the adage — "When
I was in the seminary ..."
Sacred Heart Chapel window.


Smith Crafted Cover


