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State Library of Iowa

1965 Yearbook

1965 Yearbook


1965 Yearbook


COUNCIL Continues Honors Banquet
The Student Council sponsored
the second annual Scholastic Honors Banquet in conjunction with the
annual Parent's Weekend on April
25, 1965.
Each of the honorees was presented with a commemorative
plaque. Requirements for the award
remained the same as last year.
The faculties of the various departments of the College were asked
to submit the names of the outstanding undergraduate in their
specific field. The criterion for selection, as set up by the Student Council, called for an overall average of
"B" or better and active participation in extra and co-curricular activities.
Each of the men pictured on this
page has fulfilled these qualifications in their four years at St. Ambrose. Here is a brief rundown of
their activities:
Education major Mike Ceurvorst
is a two year member of Kappa
Delta Pi and was president for
1964-5. He had also written for the
Ambrosian News.
Terry Eihl represents the chemistry department. He is a four-year
member of the American Chemical
Society and has been active in campus politics.
The honoree from the physics department is Jerry Lawson. He served
as sec.-treas. of the American Institute of Physics for 1964-65. Also he
has been a member of the Legion
of Mary and the Young Republicans.
The accounting department selected Ken Liebbe as their outstanding member. He is a four year
member of the Commerce Club.
Howard Mower, Business Administration, is a member of the Commerce Club and the Central Illinois
Chuck Ognar is a past president
and an active member of the Math
Club and also a member of the
much-feared Huns.
Jon Peterson who is a biology
major, is a member of Beta Beta
Beta, an honor fraternity in the
biological sciences.
English major Vic Riehl is a member of the Commerce Club. He was
also instrumental in the formation
of a literary workshop on campus.
Bud Stier, of the Physical Education department, is president of the
P.E. Club, vice-president of Kappa
Delta Pi, and a member of the Education Club, Young Democrats, and
the Big Brothers. In addition to
intramurals, he has also been a member of the varsity tennis team.
Finishing his fourth year on the
staff of the Ambrosian News, including one as editor (1963-4), is
history major Ken Wolf. He also
served on the student council, in
Kappa Delta Pi, the Young Republicans, the Education Club, the Iowa
Club, and the Theater III Players.
The final honoree, Frank Valainis,
philosophy, is a member of Kappa
Delta Pi, the Manning Club, and
the Rural Life Club.
Mike Ceurvorst
Terry Eihl
Jerry Lawson
Ken Liebbe
Howard Mower
Bus. Ad.
Chuck Ognar Mathematics
Jon Peterson Biology
Vic Riehl English
Bud Stier Phys. Ed.
Ken Wolf History
Frank Valainis Philosophy


Smith Crafted Cover


