Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1965 Yearbook

1965 Yearbook


1965 Yearbook


Museum and Gallery Complement Classroom
The Davenport Public Museum was one
of the first such organizations in the country to delve into the field of education.
St. Ambrose and the Museum have always
worked hand-in-hand. With the opening of
the Museum's new facilities, which are in
walking distance of the campus, in the fall
of 1964, Ambrosians made ample use of
the exhibits and curios. At the right, Jack
Santore, far left, explains the Egyptian
textiles to Ray Pechous, far right, and
Jerry Zavitz.
The Davenport Municipal Art Gallery, which occupies the piece of land immediately west of the new Museum, completes one of the finest
"one-two-punches," culturally speaking, in the country, In addition to a permanent collection which ranges from Dutch masters to Grant
Wood, the Gallery also allows St. Ambrose students to make use of its numerous studios for classes and displays. Below, left to right, Merwm
Hart, Fred Paysen, Denny Luckritz and Rick Powers try to grasp the "essence" of posing Mike Fuld.


Smith Crafted Cover


