Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

157_1960 Yearbook

157_1960 Yearbook


157_1960 Yearbook


This year's football team got off to a very slow
start. They dropped the first four games before
finally breaking into the win column. And then
the Bees could only manage to capture three wins.
They finished the season with three wins and
seven losses.
Everything seemed to go wrong with the grid-
men this season: they finished with a poor record, lost the Homecoming game, and went scoreless for a single game for the first time in sixty
games. Lincoln University turned the trick in a
double fashion as they defeated the Bees in the
Homecoming game and also were the only team
to hold Ambrose scoreless.
However, there were a few bright spots for
the grid team. Bill Bohler, senior guard from
Ottawa, Illinois, was drafted by the Denver
Rangers of the new American League in professional football. The Bees also upset Drake University. But the highlight of the season came
when the Bees defeated arch-rival Loras College
of Dubuque.
One big factor overshadowed the poor results
of the season and that was the termination of
intercollegiate football at Saint Ambrose. After
much deliberation, Monsignor Collins announced
the decision that football was to be dropped immediately. He listed finances, poor attendance
and difficulties of scheduling as the main reasons.
This was met with much discussion not only
among the students but among the alumni and
Each year at the end of the season one of the
favorite sayings of sports writers is: "It's all
over but the shouting." This statement is all too
true at Saint Ambrose.


