Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1958 Yearbook

1958 Yearbook


1958 Yearbook


Freshmen Week
Early September found the St. Ambrose
campus crowded with the incoming fresh-
men for 1957. With beanies atop, and
minds filled with mixed emotion, they
faced the inevitable awe which confronts
every college student during his first few
days "on the campus."
To ease the tension, the Student Coun-
cil and NFCCS prepared an Orientation
Week to acquaint the new Ambrosians
with both the school and each other. Dur-
ing this first week, the novices were treated
to a reception by the faculty, a lawn sup-
per, and "mixers" at all three schools.
It was a week of both pleasant and un-
pleasant surprises . . . but one not soon
to be forgotten.
'See . . . you can too dance!"
. • . and some wrote letters.
... some just ate . ..


St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
