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State Library of Iowa

1922 Yearbook

1922 Yearbook


1922 Yearbook


The Ambrosian
To the Alumni:
There is a movement under way at the present time to reorganize the Alumni
Association. This movement has the encouragement and sincerest endorsement of the
Very Reverend President of the College and of the President of the Alumni Association. When interviewed on the subject Father Hannon and Mr. E. J. Dougherty
signified their approval and promised heartiest cooperation.
We submit their statements:
"Why, of course we want to see the St. Ambrose Alumni get together in regular
assembly just like they did before the war. I suppose it is generally true that during
the war, alumni organizations everywhere suffered, not at all from lack of interest in
their respective schools, but because of the incessant demands made on their time and
person by the various war activities. Now, that out of it all has come a new and increased interest in college education, we look forward with much encouragement to the
part St. Ambrose Alumni will have in the making of the Greater St. Ambrose."
Father Hannon.
"I am very anxious to see the Association revived. During the war so many obstacles arose which made it impossible to have our regular meeting. But now the war is
over and I see no reason why we cannot meet regularly as before. The spirit of good
fellowship that springs up from such meetings is incalculable. The renewal of the
friendships of the past, the meeting with old chums and classmates, has a tendency to
make us forget our troubles and worries for the time being while we live over again
the days spent at St. Ambrose College. Above all, a regular trip back to Davenport
will keep us in touch with the progress of our college and will make us better boosters
and prompt us to do our part in influencing young men to enter St. Ambrose for their
preparatory work in law and medicine. The College is making every effort within its
power to meet the trend of progress along educational lines; we can cooperate by inducing young men of our acquaintance to continue their work at St. Ambrose. We,
the graduates of former years, realize more and more the good effects of our training
at St. Ambrose. We must prove ourselves grateful for the good our College has done
for us by urging and encouraging young men to partake of these advantages.
"The movement to reorganize meets with my entire approval. I shall be pleased
to do everything in my power to bring about an effective reorganization. I shall welcome plans and suggestions for the revival of the Alumni Association of St. Ambrose."
E. J. Dougherty.
We are as yet not a member oi the Association. With the help of God and the
pleasure of the College Faculty we hope to be graduated one of these days. We are
intensely interested in the reorganization of the Association, for the reason that we
desire a time and place where we, as Alumni, may meet the friends and chums of our
college days and live over again the times of the past.
If a suggestion from us is in order, then we suggest that you make this meeting day
some time in the fall, preferably on the occasion of a football game. This suggestion
should prove popular with the old students. No doubt all of you were interested in the
good old college game, and many of you were heroes of the gridiron while at St.
One Hundred Thirty-four




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
