Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1941 Yearbook

1941 Yearbook


1941 Yearbook


St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 27—Displaying a
more diversified running attack than in
their opener against Cornell, St. Ambrose
registered their second win of the season
over St. Thomas, 13 to 0.
The Bees, using 31 players in all, piled
up 15 first downs to three for the Tommies and outgained their opponents by
rushing 259 yards to 47.
After St. Thomas had rushed the Bees
to an early period scoring threat, St. Ambrose roared back to score late in the first
canto—Sosnouski going over for the tally
on a two yard plunge. Then Kerasiotis
converted his third straight extra pointer.
A concentrated 66 yard running attack,
paced by Tony Rotunno and Stan Sosnouski, netted the Saints their second and final
tally in the third period. Rotunno knifed
his way through the center of the line from
the seven yard stripe to score the touchdown. The trial for conversion failed but
was not needed since St. Thomas never
supplied a scoring threat thereafter.
Davenport, Oct. A—Marking their first
conference start of the season against Parsons, the Bees maintained their unscored
upon record by defeating the Fairfield-
men in a decisive manner, I 8 to 0, before
4,000 fans. The win marked St. Ambrose's
twenty-sixth consecutive conference triumph.
Again the second eleven started the
game and also accounted for all three
touchdowns. Joe Gstettenbauer scored
the first marker, scooping up a free ball
after John McNamee, freshman tackle,
blocked a Parson's punt. After Rotunno
had set up the second score with his flashing sprints, Bill Loomis lunged over center
from the two yard stripe to give the Bees
a I 2-0 advantage.
Bogging down in the middle two periods, the Bees waited until the waning
moments of the game to tally their third
touchdown when Rotunno intercepted a
Parson's pass and raced 45 yards for the




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
