Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1940 Yearbook

1940 Yearbook


1940 Yearbook


In Memoriam
Francis Joseph Geiger's college
career had scarcely begun when
his Master called him to a far
nobler career—to a new life of
eternal happiness spent in worshipping Him. The highest vocation on earth pales beside this
great manifestation of God's special love and His calling Francis
to the joy of heaven when the
burden of life was just settling
on his shoulders.
A freshman student from Rock
Island, Francis Joseph Geiger died
on March 4, 1940, at the age of
nineteen. He was one of those
youths who command universal
respect by their very character,
their natural aloofness from all
that is ignoble and degrading.
And he was popular, for ideals
are no impediment to real friendship. His personality, reserved and
engaging, gained him that quality which we carelessly term
"popularity," and which is in
truth t h e attraction of kindred
spirits to a person of sound and
religious character. "His feet had
stood in the right way"—he lived
and died a conscientious Catholic.
When a man quits this world to answer the final summons he bears a gift
which will merit him either God's blessing or condemnation. He returns his
soul to its Maker, and its freedom from sin determines the extent to which
it will please God. Francis Geiger's soul was a sanctuary of purity, and we
can hear his Christ saying: "Well done, my faithful servant." But Francis
was privileged to bear yet another offering to his Judge—the flower of his
youth. To the Father he rendered his beautiful soul; to the Son—the Youth
of the ages—the sweet sacrifice of a life unlived.




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
