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State Library of Iowa

1916 Yearbook

1916 Yearbook


1916 Yearbook


The Dictionary
Classic.—An emotional, fantastic, and unintelligible discourse, whose central idea
is lost amid the confusion of colossal
words and gelubrious homonyns.
Sore.—When passion so clouds one's reason that he forgets himself so far as to
arouse his professor's otherwise equal
Elocution—A maximum of mimicry and a
minimum of memory.
Academic Course — The conversation of
fairy tales and mythology.
Recitation.—By the professor.
Recess.—Ten minutes of freedom allowed
every day during which the students
learn something of value.
Rhetoric.—Certain rules for increasing
one's ignorance of the mother tongue.
Self-Government.—A graceful acknowledgment that the teacher knows more
than the pupil.
Swimming Pool.—The indefinite aim and
ambition of the younger classes.
Dopey.—The appelation applied to those
continuing in persistent lethargy.
Panitorium.—A skillfully planned and
boldly executed system of highway robbery perpetrated in darkest S. A. C.
Store.—A means of lightening the purses
of the aristocratic and idle rich.
Smoker.—The most popular resort of our
noble institution, being the place of retreat and enjoyment of all classes from
a mere Prep to an important senior.
Dinner Bell.—A common bell operated by
the hand of a Sister and sends forth
most melodious sounds.
Tough.—An adjective invariably used to
describe those favored by the glimpses
of the darker side of life.
More Slams
Fourth Year Latin Man's Boast.
"I have kept the faith; I have fought a
good fight; I have finished my course."
Coonan—"Lend me your pipe and tobacco, Crowley; I have a match myself."
Coleman—"Schmidt had better play the
standing guard in the league game tonight."
Lee—"Yes; he'll be standing all right."
Dick—"Gross ditched Chapel this morning."
Wolfe—"That was Gross negligence on
his part."
Garrity—"Where is the other side of the
Cone—"Over there."
Garrity—"I was just over there, and
they told me it was over here."
Gross was sent to bat with orders to
bunt. He failed in the first trial and then
slammed a homer over the center fielder's
head. He came in smiling, but Coach Jones
called him and said, "You bonehead, didn't
I tell you to bunt?"
Gross smiled as he said, "Yes, I was going to, but didn't you see the center fielder
creeping up on me?"




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
