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State Library of Iowa

1917 Yearbook

1917 Yearbook


1917 Yearbook


us out of
"Why don't
For a moment her father gaped at her in
blank amazement, then he gasped.
"Violet are you crazy? That's more
sugar than Smithville will use in a year.
You'll ruin us before you are through."
Violet stroked his brow soothingly.
"Never mind, father, this is all right. It's
scientific busines."
"Scientific business will put
business," snorted the old man.
you settle down and marry Halloway and be
The girl flushed but after a moment
smiled and said in a determined voice, "Dad,
we're going to keep the store until they buy
at my figure, $8,000.00."
Bije gasped again. "$8,000.00, why I'd
let this place go tomorrow for $5,000."
"I know you would, dad, but that wouldn't
be making any money. Now with scientific
business management "
"This scientific stuff will ruin me yet."
Evidently father was getting pessimistic.
"But, father, this sugar is a chance of a
lifetime. They're going to be closed out if
they don't get ready money, and they can't
get it in the city. We can sell it at three
cents a pound, or about three cents below
market price, and make the people buy other
goods to get it."
Dad said nothing but waited.
A few days later the sugar arrived and
a big advertising campaign was ripped open
on Smith Co. From the Sanadone river as
Billings creek to the New Hampshire border
orders for $5 worth of goods began to pour
in with the included $2 worth of sugar.
A few days later Halloway dropped into
"Well," he said, "getting to business immediately. "I'm ready to come up to $7,-
500, are you ready to sell?"
Bije jumped to his feet in an endeavor to
grasp the youngster's hand and call it a
bargain, but Violet grasped him firmly and
pulled him down.
"$8,000 or nothing," she said firmly.
Jim squirmed a little and came up by
notches but Violet held firm.
Finally Jim surrendered and wrote out a
(»h p c lr
;'I like the fight alright," he said, "but
this town can't support two such stores as
ours, and besides I have another plan, which
I will tell you tonight." You're coming to
the picnic now, aren't you?"
"Yes, Jim." She was tripping up the
stairs to the rooms over the store where she
and her father dwelt.
In half an hour Jim came out of the door
that led to his bachelor quarters over his
store, and crossed the street to his recent
acquisition. He drove his pleasure car, as
he called the only plain clothes Ford in his
flock of business "Henrys."
A few minutes later he was driving Violet
and her father out to Spigget's Grove, where
all Smithville had assembled in for the annual town picnic. Jim looked very handsome in his ice cream suit as he had fussed
and fussed before the mirror in his room and
as of Violet she looked simply stunning in a
dress to which only a society editress could
do justice.
A little later in the evening Bije Jebens,
who was nothing if not a busybody, crept
away from the Art Halloway and his other
boon companions to where Jim was telling
Violet of his other plan on the moon lit terrace. After a few moments he crept back
to the crowd and drew Art Halloway aside.
"Say, Art, it looks as if the Halloways are
going to absorb the Jebens in other things
but business.
Art whispered back, "Yes, Yale and Vassar are playing another game now."
Finish. Thanks be to heavens!
Between the dark and the daylight
When the sun is beginning to rise
Rings a bell in the old college belfry
Which is welcomed by j*ubbing the eyes.
For a time I heard no tossing
About in my neighbor's bed,
For a time there is no hustling—
We are lying abed instead.
We cuddle up just for a moment,
Just for one more little doze;
But a trembling fear comes o'er me
And I begin to reach for my clothes.
For I hear in the corridor near me
The thud of heavy feet,
The sound of a door being opened,—
There's' a vision I fear to meet.
"Get out of there, will you?" He thunders,
"Wake up Bill, Jerry, and Dick!"
Then somebody groans and rolls over
And whimpers "Oh Father! I'm sick."
A sudden leap from my covers
A sudden dash through the hall
My toilet—it isn't just perfect,
But I'm there for the very last call.
H Annon
Rohret—"What does vour room-mate
Brown—"Nearly everything I have."


