Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1917 Yearbook

1917 Yearbook


1917 Yearbook


was elected president of the Citizens' Savings Bank following on the reorganization of that institution. ,
Charles M. McDonald, of the Academic Class of '14, is a senior Law
student at Drake University, Des Moines. He expects to be graduated from
there in June.
Albert Wadle, Academic, '12, is now teaching in the high school,
Trinidad, Colorado.
John Cunningham, '11, has a responsible position in the freight office
of the C, R. I. & P. R. R., this city.
John J. King, '12, is now holding a responsible position with the Railroad Dispatch at Burlington.
William Hynes, '11, is specializing in Law at Notre Dame University.
Leonard Evans, '11, is continuing his engineering course at Notre
Dame University.
Leon Baxter, '13, is a junior member of the Baxter Brothers, butchers,
at Buxton, Iowa.
Donald D. Delaney, '11, Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University
of Chicago, has a position with the United States Circuit Court of Appeal
in the Chambers of Judge Baker at Chicago.
Arthur J. Toher, '11, is now known as Brother Ubaldus of the Alexian
Brothers, Chicago.
James Lardner, Jr., holds a good position with the Walsh Construction
Company at Albany, New York.
During the past year the college lost another of its faithful friends and
alumni in the death last January of William McFarland. Mr. McFarland
was a graduate of the class of 1907 and at the time of his death he was
sporting editor of "The Democrat," which position he filled with much
A more loyal booster for the college could not be found and his
death came as a shock to the college, which feels that in him it has lost an
old and constant friend.


