Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1917 Yearbook

1917 Yearbook


1917 Yearbook


St. Ambrose Alumni Association
their annual reunion on August the second of last year. The
date had been selected to correspond with the National Convention of the Knights of Columbus and as a consequence an
unusually large number availed themselves of the opportunity to be present for both events.
The business meeting of the Association was called at 4 o'clock. The
Rev. C. J. Donohoe, for two years president of the Society, presided. The
usual routine business, including the election of the officers for the coming
year, was disposed of. During the counting of the votes matters of special
importance both to the college and the association were discussed.
The following were chosen as officers:
President—Mr. E. J. Dougherty, Davenport, Iowa.
Vice Presidents—John Hynes, Des Moines, Iowa
Dr. Arthur Brown, Council Bluffs, John King, Burlington
Edward Rump, Fort Madison, Edward Heneberry, Kansas City
and Dr. William McGuire, Cedar Rapids.
Secretary and Treasurer—Rev. Martin Cone, Davenport, la.
Historian—Leonard Evans, Des Moines, Iowa.
The banquet which followed immediately after the meeting was held
in the College dining room. Refectory had been profusely decorated for
the occasion. To the blue and the white and the national colors were added
the colors of the Knights of Columbus out of courtesy to the members of the
order present. It was a sumptuous repast that Fr. Hannon had prepared
for the guests of the College. At all times lavish of the good things at
his command he outdid himself on this occasion and many were the compliments which the success of his endeavors called forth.


