Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1971 Yearbook

1971 Yearbook


1971 Yearbook


When Mario Savio first exhorted the crowds at Berkley in
1964 with his cries for student power, most of the present
St. Ambrose student body was still in grade school. Yet,
seven years later student power is very much a part of our
lives. We may argue about how it developed, how it is to
be used or how effective it is, but the fact remains: it is a
We have seen the Administration gradually realize that
students do have something worthwhile to say and are willing to participate responsibly in the decision making processes of the college. We have seen the faculty gradually
approach the realization that students have ideas which are
worth listening to and that the true learning process is
brought about when the student finally realizes he is his own
best teacher. We have seen ourselves gradually realize that
student participation necessitates a great deal of responsibility. Student power cannot be scoffed at by either the Administration, the faculty or the students.
The greatest enemy of student power is apathy. We, the
students, must be willing to accept the challenge afforded
us. We must intelligently make the decisions which will
affect our lives when we serve on college committees and
in our own Student Government Association. We must
strive for academic excellence in and out of the classroom
and realize that liberal education's goal is a free mind, and
the free mind must be its own teacher.
And so we must be aware that while much has been done,
much is yet left to be done. We must affirm what we are and
recognize what we are becoming. The 1971 OAK'S is therefore dedicated to all that is good, creative, responsible, intellectual and human in the Student Body of St. Ambrose
Ed Kross
