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State Library of Iowa

009_1967 Yearbook

009_1967 Yearbook


009_1967 Yearbook


The '67 Oaks is here dedicated to six members of the St.
Ambrose College faculty family who have distinguished
themselves by their years of scholarly labor on this campus.
Humility is defined as a modest sense of one's own merits.
As two of our priest-teachers approach their 45th year
at St. Ambrose they seek no recognition of their meritorious
The Rev. C. F. Griffith
Dr. Prudent Coussens: "Aside from the paperwork, I find
the teaching profession most enjoyable. It is definitely a
satisfying occupation and has even become lucrative. I can
remember being seriously advised twenty years ago that
it was a job better left to women. The years have proved
how short-sighted and incorrect this advice was. The years
have also brought considerable frustration in one respect:
one is increasingly made aware how little he can actually
communicate. We need a breakthrough in the transmission
of ideas. Both of our methods, by speech and the written
word are insufferably antiquated and ineffective.
The Very Reverend Edward M. O'Connor, Rector of the
Seminary dep't (above), and the Reverend C Francis Griffith, Spiritual Director of the same department, joined the
St. Ambrose Faculty in 1922 immediately after ordination.
They both have qualified for the highest competitive degrees in their respective fields of Philosophy and History.
Two genuine individuals, they have been known to thousands of Ambrosians through the years as "Father Ed" and
"Father Grif".
It is indeed an inadequate "Thank you" that we extend
to these two humble but celebrated campus figures.
