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State Library of Iowa

1965 Yearbook

1965 Yearbook


1965 Yearbook


RON BOHNENKAMP, Secretary-treasurer
LARRY LAFEBVRE, Vice-President
The election of the junior class
representatives, John Schaffner, Joe
Ferris and Don Miller, was held
in the spring of last year.
The three representatives served
on the sports committee, established
by the council in order to choose the
varsity basketball cheerleaders and
our mascot, Barney the Bee.
Don Miller also served on the constitutional committee. The assistance of the representatives was instrumental in getting enough students to help produce the successful homecoming parade.
JOHN SCHAFFNER, On-campus Representative;
DON MILLER, Day-Student Representative.
Class of 1966
The last half — an upperclass-
man — a Junior! In September, the
graduating class of 1966 arrived upon the campus of St. Ambrose College. In June, 1962, most of the members of this class were leaving their
high school days behind. How far
away 1966 sounded! Then, with
their Junior year of college, that day
in June seemed all too close. There
were many things—both educational
and social — to be accomplished
in the limited amount of time left.
In those first days of classes in
September many acquaintances were
renewed. However, there were some
new faces and, regretfully, some missing ones. There were the transfer
students from other colleges and
junior colleges. Some of our friends
who were in engineering or other
fields were beginning their junior
year in new surroundings elsewhere.
The class of 1966 was taking on its
final membership.
"Make the best use of your time"
suddenly seemed important to
juniors. Maybe this was what made
it a "great" year. The change of
courses from the requirements to
classes in individual majors and
minors and probably another reason.
College became a real preparation
for the choice of a career.
In this year another difference
(Continued on page 82)
JOE FERRIS, Off-campus Representative;


Smith Crafted Cover


