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State Library of Iowa

1965 Yearbook

1965 Yearbook


1965 Yearbook


Political Science
Business Administration
Editor of Ambrosian News for 1963-
64, Staff of Ambrosian News four
years, Student Council Recording
Secretary, Editor of NFCCS outlook
bulletin, Treasurer of Young Republicans, Education Club, Theatre III
Players, Iowa Club, Kappa Delta Pi.
WULFF, OSF, Education, Clinton,
TUONO, Political Science, Mt. Vernon, New York. Young Republicans,
Pre-Legal Club, International Relations Club, Intramural Basketball
and Softball. PAUL YOUNG, Art,
Joliet, Illinois. JOHN P. ZANG, Business Administration, Kewanee, Illinois. Commerce Club, Intramural
Tennis, Basketball, Softball. KENNETH M. ZIMNEY, Elementary
Education, Davenport. Education
Club, Kappa Delta Pi.
(Continued from Page 48)
The ableness of their student control
officers and representatives has attested to their recognition of their
responsibilities. Dan Deninger as
senior class president has capped the
efforts of his predecessors. Art Moore
and Jim Dowling, who are now
serving as student council president
and vice-president show the results
of four years of training by the application of their talents.
Social life on campus is always an
important part of every college man's
life. Here also the Class of '65 has
measured up to its high standards.
The various class parties which have
united and amused the class have
been headed by such men as Dick
Aubry, John Blasucci, and Dan Deninger. The climax of our class's social
success was the junior cotillion. The
planning of one of the most successful homecomings in the history of
the school can be directly traced to
the Class of '65.
Social life is not only devoted to
parties but also includes the social
and fraternal organizations on campus such as N.F.C.C.S. The steady
growth of the influence of the N.F. is
in debt to the work of men like Larry
Hartlaub and Greg Cusak. Mike Coleman, Tim Finnigan and Jim King
have contributed much to the clubs
which form the backbone for the
various social and political activities.
One of the truly bright spots in the
history of the class is in the field of
campus communications. Due to the
initiative of two men, Ken O'Brien and
Bernie Miraglia, the very popular
KSAR began broadcasting last winter.
The Ambrosian News soared to new
heights under the leaderships of Ken
Wolf and Dan McGuiness.
The class of '65 has also left its
mark on the fine arts department.
Some of the more memorable
moments have been produced by the
recitals of Jon Simmons and Roger
Ezell. A peak for the Class's fine
arts activities was when Jim Thomas
was selected as soloist for the Tri-
City Symphony and Jon Simmons
was the organist for the opening
concert of the Symphony's Golden
Jubilee Year.
Theater III and the spring musicals have continued their high standards under the leadership of the
men of the Class of '65. Bill Vensel,
Mel Carney, and Gerry Baur have
each added his own individual talents to the success of the theatrical
The Class of '65 has always had
outstanding men in both varsity and
intramural athletics. Walt Jones was
elected to the Catholic All-America
basketball team in his junior year.
Coach Duax claims that this year's
co-captains, Tony McAndrews and
Joe Krippel, are two of the most dedicated athletes he has ever seen.
With the recent ascent of the
popularity of golf, Vince Neu and
Bill Maloney have led the Bee link-
sters to unheralded success.
The Huns, Pygmies and Globes
have dominated the intramural scene
over the past couple of years due
largely to the efforts of the likes of
Bill Demling and Barney Szafranski.
This brief resume of the achievements of the Class of '65 by no means
includes all of the outstanding men
in the class.


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