Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1949 Yearbook

1949 Yearbook


1949 Yearbook


St Ambrose 1948 Football Review
The 1948 edition of the St. Ambrose College
Bees ended the most successful grid season
since the pre-war football era. Under the
capable leadership of Head Football Coach
Larry "Moon" Mullins and his assistants, Leo
Deutsch, Jim O'Connor, and Matt Starcivich,
the Bees defeated seven opponents from seven
different states while losing to three opponents
from two other states. In the four out-of-town
games, the Bees traveled an approximate
4,260 miles carrying the Iowa collegiate banner
from St. Paul, Minnesota, to Corpus Christi,
Texas. At home the Bees met opponents from
South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, Wisconsin,
Illinois, and Iowa. Altogether, the St. Ambrose
gridders faced teams from nine different states,
with Illinois the only state with two schools
on the 1948 schedule.
The Blue and White grid machine finished
the season with seven victories and three defeats, although their opponents outscored them
by 41 points. Coach Mullins' squad won four
of the games by a total of 10 points. In the
three losses, the opponents rolled up 114 points
to the Bees 32 points, which accounts for the
opponents' large total for the season.
The backfield sparkplug for the St. Ambrose
eleven was 190-lb. Don Doody, a junior from
Chicago, who rolled up 575 yards in 88 trips
with the pigskin and was rated 41st in the
nation among small-college rushing leaders by
the N.C.A.A. Injuries plagued such fine performers as Joe Petruzzi, Don Whan, Herman
Miskowicz, and Jack Mooney.
The line play was led by such stellar gridders
as Joe Lucas, Art Michalik, Leo Kilfoy, Mike
Scheck, Dick Forbes, Bill Newell, and Jack
Errion. Here, too, the injury problem caused
many changes to be made in the line-up from
time to time.


Noram Press Coverse Milwaukee, WI




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
