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State Library of Iowa

1966 Yearbook

1966 Yearbook


1966 Yearbook


FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS: Seated: James Martin, President; Neil Fick, Vice-president; Standing: James Mackin, Representative-
at-large; James Grayson, Secretary-Treasurer; Thomas Cunningham, Off-Campus Representative; Thomas Rochford, On-Campus Representative.
Five hundred twenty-five Freshmen Arrive
With the anticipation of entering the "life" which
college brings, all 525 of us (frosh), stood "firm" and
ready to accept our challenge. This "new life" began
on September 19, 1965 as we flooded the premises on
the west side of East Hall. By the time Sunday was over
we had been assigned rooms (which for some meant
sleeping with a piano as a roommate in the Music Building, or rooming at the Dempsey Hotel in downtown Davenport until room complications were cleared up), had
eaten dinner in the gym with the Mary crest freshmen,
enjoyed a mixer in the student union and each of us
acquired a "headdress," more formally called a beanie.
W-A-I-T-I-N-G in line to have our pictures taken
and completing our registration with the payment of
first semester fees, occupied much of our time during
the next two days.
Wednesday, September 22, officially started the academic year. Oh, how we hated those alarm clocks.
Along with classes there was always the ever-present
initiation. Air raids, but no planes; duck walks without
any ducks; singing Jingle Bells while doing push-ups
when Christmas was still in the future; . . . just a few
of the "experiences" which were bestowed upon us by
the class of 1966.
With the arrival of Homecoming we felt truly collegiate as we stuffed floats and went to the first big
dance of the year. We had arrived!
As we discarded our beanies with a sigh of relief,
we also looked forward to the many new experiences
ahead, especially the vacations and the thoughts of
going home. Our first semester exams will always bring
thoughts of long hours and the confusion of terms.
But most of us made it . . . relief!
Second semester brought more new experiences to
add to our college life. There were new intramural
activities to participate in as well as the annual retreat,
the band and chorus trip, the Spring musical, and the
Junior Prom. The climax came with the onrush of final
exams. Our first year was nearly over. At last it was
over and we headed home to begin our all-important
summer work. We would return as sophomores, and
we would return proudly, the class of 1969.


The Consolidated Graphic Arts Corporation, Canton, OH




St. Ambrose University 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
