Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
State Library of Iowa

1968 Yearbook

1968 Yearbook


1968 Yearbook


"One more B.L.T. and I'll scream!'
The Beehive
"As a hive among the bees"—an
oasis of sustenance and society in a
wasteland of academic foofoorah
stands the mighty Beehive. Buried beneath the edifal wreckage of Ambrose
Hall is this place, affectionately known
as the student union, misnonymously
called The College Center, it is "a
home away from home" for both faculty and students alike. While speculation may center on how many matches
are really in a matchbook (and the social implications of that), or what the
cellophane cover on a pack of cigarettes really is, or if it's "clever" to
accept a light ala a "Polish Ronson",
the discussions may degenerate to even
silly topics. Nine times daily faculty
and humans alike push their Florsheims
into the land of grog and
few seats, making college life really
fun for all.




St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport, IA 52803
